Focus on taking the best step forward until you make up your mind.
Some transgender dating advice suggests that the courtship process should be like a game, with the ultimate goal of capturing a partner: carefully monitoring your behavior and the impression you make on your partner in order to win a committed relationship. Yes, first impressions are important and you should do well on early dates. Opening up too early is often considered inappropriate and can be annoying. For example, the authors of a book advise suggests that transgender women withhold some personal information from their boyfriends for the first few months until they are convinced that he is madly in love with them, in case any of this information turns him off and causes him to leave. But waiting months to share personal information with your partner is the secret to a shallow relationship, and sharing personal information with each other is one of the key building blocks of intimacy. If you keep a cool head about everything, you'll never get close emotionally. If someone falls in love with you without intimacy, they are probably not the person you want to have a long-term relationship with. In fact, avoidant attachment types want a relationship without emotional intimacy - that is, a courtship without intimacy attracts avoidant people.
Opposites attract, so you try to find someone who is totally different from you.
It is often said that opposites attract. More than, however, birds of a feather flock together. They also tend to have fewer conflicts, making relationships smoother. Sometimes we are attracted to people who are completely opposite to us. Perhaps you are very cautious and conservative, motivated by a spontaneous and unconventional person. Maybe you are emotional and see things from the perspective of a highly rational person. However, research on "fatal attraction" suggests that these opposite qualities may initially attract us but eventually become a source of friction. The cautious person gets annoyed with a reckless, disorganized partner, while the emotional person gets frustrated with an overly rational partner and starts to feel like he's trans dating a robot.
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